Sea Scouts

The Scout section welcomes boys and girls from ten and a half to fourteen years of age.

The leadership team consists of Bob Baird and Kathryn Alexander, assisted by Chris Fishlock, all of whom have a wealth of experience within the Scout movement.

Because we are Sea Scouts, our uniform consists of official light blue shirt and navy cargo pants. We wear a blue and white neckerchief which can be bought from us, which is knotted; a tradition of the group.

Meetings are held during the autumn and spring from 7:00pm till 9:00pm on Friday evenings at the Scout Hall. In the summer season our activities are based at Budworth Mere from 6:30pm till 9:00pm.

The Scout troop is run on the patrol system with a patrol leader and assistant patrol leader. We have four patrols, with an occasional senior patrol for older Scouts who are preparing to transfer to the Explorer section.

We believe that we offer the Scouts a varied, exciting and balanced programme with a target of attaining the Chief Scouts Gold Award.

During the summer Season our Friday nights are spent at Budworth Sailing Club, where our water activities take place. We use their facilities and equipment for our dinghy sailing tuition. We have a fleet of kayaks for our paddling tuition run on BCU lines. Our leaders are appropriately qualified to enable these activities to take place. Our aim is to enable the Scouts to gain RYA dinghy sailing qualifications, kayak paddling experience, and bucket loads of fun!

We offer the Scouts the opportunity to take part in a week’s camp, which for instance  in 2023 was at Waddecar, an official Scout camp site in the Trough of Bowland at the end of May.

We try to take part in Mid Cheshire district events, ranging from night wide games to St George’s day parade.

Our aim is to provide inclusive, challenging, mental, physical and spiritual activities for our Scouts, through the demanding period of their young lives and part of our reward is to see them smiling, occasionally at us!

Latest news from the Sea Scouts

(To see all Sea Scout news, click here.)

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