Leadership Team

Rob Lloyd is our Group Scout Leader.

Cyndy Lloyd looks after the Beavers, where she is helped by Julia and Andrew with young leaders from the explorer unit.

The Cub section is led by Mike King, and he is helped by Ben Armstrong and Vicky Rushton.

The Scout section is currently led jointly by Kathryn and Bob

Cyndy and Ellie run the Explorers, which is a District Unit based at the Scout Hall.

We have a committee to help with management, organisation, fundraising, etc. The current chairperson is Geoff Hornby and secretary is Vicky Rushton, Brian Williams is our treasurer, Dr Ken Baird is a member, and all section leaders also join committee meetings.

However, we are always searching for more help. If you’d like to join us, then please let us know!

Click here for the latest news from the Group.