The end of an era – where is our Scout Hall?

If you have walked past the Scout Hall this week, you may have noticed that we have reached a very significant milestone: the old part of the structure has been demolished!

But don’t be concerned, because it’s going to be replaced. On the same footprint and of a similar design, the new Hall will be built to modern standards, made of brick and on proper foundations. It will closely match the far end of the building, that was rebuilt in 2009.

The original timber  building was erected in 1932 and during its lifetime, it has been home to many diverse  community groups as well as the Scouts.  It has been a school,  seen the performance of many pantomimes, a cinema, a  ballet school  and a playgroup to name just a few.

However, the structure had been deteriorating and we have been fundraising for many years to allow us to complete the reconstruction. Finally, and thanks to significant grants from a number of organisations, we have been able to take the plunge and begin. In particular, at this stage we should mention the Garfield Weston Foundation; the Bernard Sunley Foundation; the Leslie Sell Charitable Trust; and our very own CWAC Councillors. They have all been extremely generous and we are most grateful..

Here are some photos and videos which show the extent of the first week’s work. During the construction we are continuing with on-line section meetings but we have also made arrangements to use the Lighthouse as soon as the COVID situation allows us to recommence face-to-face meetings. 

And here’s a short video:

We expect the project to take about 3 months and It is hoped that the new building will continue to be a centre for community activities when complete. Watch this space for continuing updates! 

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